Gabbie @thebooblesswonder

Gabbie @thebooblesswonder

We have another wonderful guest blogger for you today. We're delighted to introduce you to the lovely Gabbie. Gabbie is a previvor who has been blogging about her experience of...
Casey - @theflattiecloset

Casey @theflattiecloset

Hello everyone and welcome to our next wonderful guest blog! Today’s blog is written by the lovely Casey. Casey is 33 years old and BRCA1+. She had a prophylactic total...
Susan Walton - @lookatsusie

Susan @lookatsusie

We’re delighted to introduce Susan. Susan is a digital communications professional and carries the BRCA2 gene.    She had a preventative double mastectomy with direct to implant, under the muscle reconstruction...
Alison @alisonwillie8

Alison @alisonwillie8

We have another fabulous guest blog for you today. It’s a real pleasure to introduce Alison (@alisonwillie8). Alison describes herself as a busy wife, mum of two, receptionist at Leeds...
Christen Williams - BRCAchatter

Christen @BRCAchatter

It’s our absolute pleasure to introduce the next in our series of guest blogs. Please meet the wonderful Christen Williams who you may also know as BRCAchatter. Christen speaks very...
Laura - brca1_mum_

Laura @brca1_mum_

One of the most amazing things about the journey we’re going through at here at Valiant Lingerie is meeting you; the wonderful and inspiring women in this community. It’s really...